Enka Intermediate is a PBIS school
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a schoolwide system that supports appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment.
A positive behavior support is established for all students within the school. These areas extend beyond the classroom to non-classroom settings; such as the hallways, common areas, cafeteria, buses and restrooms.
Introducing, modeling and reinforcing positive social behavior is an important part of a student's educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them creates a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
Enka Intermediate School PBIS Matrix
I choose... | Classroom | Hallways and Common Areas | Cafeteria | Bus | Restroom | Outside |
Empathy - Kindness & Understanding | -Help and respect others -Show kindness -Be an active listener -Raise my hand to speak | - Keep hands to myself -Smile at others in the hallway | -Help others in need -Clean up my space -Be friendly to staff -Stack trays & put silverware in bins -Respect personal space | -Be kind to others -Listen to the bus driver -Follow directions | -Respect others and their privacy -Knock on the door before entering a stall | -Listen to each other -If someone is in need, step up and help -Notice if anyone is left out -Take turns |
Integrity - Honesty and Effort | -Bring materials -Complete homework -Complete assignments -Meet learning targets daily -Keep the classroom clean -Learn from my mistakes | -Get to my destination quickly and quietly -Be where I am supposed to be at all times | -Use manners -Give my attention to staff when they are speaking | -Do the right thing and stand up for others -Report unsafe behaviors to my bus driver -Be on time -Be aware of my surroundings and look at driver before I cross the road | -Wash hands -Report problems to staff | -Keep the playground area clean -Treat equipment and peers with respect -Claim ownership of my part in conflicts |
Self-Control - Awareness and Safety | -Use kind words and actions -Own my behaviors -Keep hands and belongings to myself | -Keep my feet on the ground -Walk in a straight line -Stay to the right -Be aware of my surroundings -Use whisper volume | -Stay in my seat -Walk carefully with my tray -hands and belongings to myself -Only eat my food -Stay at my table -Wait my turn | -Keep hands and belongings to myself -Stay in my seat - I do not speak loudly or play music without using headphones. -Sit where I am supposed to sit -I do not eat or drink on the bus. |